Family Fun: Things to do with the Family After the School Holidays

Posted by Michael Mortimer on 3rd Sep 2015

The kids are back to school, parents are working hard and the summer holidays seem like an all too distant dream. Is the humdrum of the day-to-day bringing you down? Fear not, Walkers Shortbread have some great suggestions on how you can bring some more fun and enjoyment back into your family. And remember – if you need a little pick-me-up, there’s nothing better than a delicious pure butter shortbread with a freshly made cup of tea.

Walker Shortbread, Kids Baking with Mom

All fun and games

The family that plays together stays together.There are many fun games that the whole family can enjoy together. Look for board games or playing cards suitable for all ages. This is a great way to collaborate, compete and learn strategic playing. A more active game that everyone enjoys is musical chairs, or any number of dance games. Charades is always a winner, especially with slightly older children. For all ages, try freeze games, where the object is to stand completely still once the music stops. Here is a list of more party games, so take your pick and make your boring Sunday into a Funday!

Walkers Shortbread Kids Party, Face Painting

Learn something new

You don’t have to play games to have fun together. Both children and adults enjoy learning new things, so if you don’t have a shared hobby, maybe you can find one that you like and learn about it together? Those with a garden or access to a park or outdoor space could try taking up bird watching, or building a home for nature. Walkers Shortbread has partnered with RSPB, who have a lot of resources for families who want to get to know nature better. There are many free things you can do outside together as a family as well, but if you prefer indoor activities, maybe learning a language could be fun? There are learning resources available for all ages, and imagine how practical it is to almost have your own secret language together as a family? If you want to combine learning with activity, a visit to a hands-on science museum gives you a chance to try practical experiments for yourself – maybe you can recreate some of them at home later. And for all those who are fond of building, you could attempt a Lego masterpiece, like the families behind some of these Lego masterpieces! Or just watch the Lego movie together on the sofa instead with your favourite sweet treat…

Enjoy your family time together!